Monday, December 21, 2009

Fun Times with the Potty...

Changing diapers is oh so much fun. I didn't think it could get any better than this. I was wrong. Afton has finally started telling us when she, um, goes potty. Usually after the fact. So we go upstairs and lay down, cause she doesn't quite fit on the changing table anymore, and commence the struggle. As soon as the diaper is off(she helps) the following conversation ensues...

"Potty", Afton exclaims, very clearly I might add.
"You did go potty. Mommy is changing your diaper."
"Nooooo, go potty", as she worms her way out of her PJ's while running to the loo.
So Bender and I chase her to the bathroom. Afton has the neat freak gene that somehow skipped a generation. She takes one piece of toilet paper and wipes herself, throws it in the BIG potty, shuts the lid and flushes. This is repeated enough times for me to polish my finger nails, toe nails, Bender's nails and do 2 loads of laundry. Finally after NOT using the potty she goes and grabs an "Elmo", which is code for diaper and lays down on a mound of neatly stacked(by her) receiving blankets that are currently replacing the changing table and waits. The diaper does not quite go on yet though. We must puts two handfuls, and I mean HANDFULS, of Aquaphor on her bottom before a diaper even touches her behind. Once that is done, finally, the diaper goes on!!! Yeah! If you are not quick enough though, she likes to undo the recently attached diaper and run into the closet, giggling hysterically. I'm giving serious consideration to duck taping the diaper on, except she's pretty good with tape.